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The Fat Cow Food Review

The Fat Cow Bistro + Pizzeria is a fairly new restaurant which opened around March or April 2016. It is located at Mabini Ext., corner V. Mapa St., Davao City

What I tried:

The Fat Cow Burger (Php 260): 200g of pure Australian beef patty topped with tomato jam and caramelized onion with a strip of smokey (sic) bacon served with onion rings and thick cut fries.

Umami Chicken: Cheese risotto, coleslaw and honey (Php 260)

300g *Sous Vide Australian Rib-eye Steak with Truffled Parmesan Potatoes and Blueberry Peppercorn Sauce (Php 500)

Penne Pasta (Php 240)


The Fat Cow Burger’s patty was savory and flavorful. It wasn't too greasy nor too dry, but the sweet sauce dominated the smokiness that I was expecting from the burger. A bit more of the mustard sauce would have appeased my taste buds. There was too much salt on the fries, otherwise it was perfect. I loved the crispy onion rings, but I’ve had a better tasting burger at a much lower price.


There was nothing special about the Umami Chicken. The breading was crunchy but the meat wasn’t cooked through. You’d probably be more satisfied eating that twenty-five peso fried chicken down the street. The honey which was artfully drizzled around the dish tasted lemony and sweet and the coleslaw was nice and fresh. Kudos on cooking the risotto just right, Gordon Ramsay would approve.


I was disappointed that the knife did not cut through the Rib-eye Steak like butter. Despite the meat being tough to slice and to chew, it was delicious combined with the blueberry peppercorn sauce, which had, I think, an alcoholic hint to it. The potatoes were so-so but I didn’t taste any truffles or parmesan cheese.

the fat cow's penne pasta

For a restaurant that boasts about *sous-vide, you’d think cooking pasta al dente would require skill level zero. Unfortunately, the Penne Pasta was almost overcooked. But I am going to give them a slack since they’ve got the sauce right and the focaccia bread knockoff was delish.


. The price was serving size appropriate. The protein filled meals are guaranteed to fill your tummy. Don’t be deceived by the contemporary dining ambiance, though. My eyes hurt because of the smoke from the cooking area. Considering the age of this bistro+pizzeria, I am looking forward to improvements and to dining here again, probably.

*Sous vide is the art of precision cooking of which results to a better tasting meal.


To my friend and roomie, J.Lo,

Happy birthday and thank you for this dinner treat J



Try to arrive at the restaurant an hour before or after lunch/dinner time to be catered by the staff while they aren't busy yet. 



If you have time, check the restaurant's menu online first to know about how each dish is traditionally prepared and what to expect


Bon appetit!



0909 999 0727 | 0906 255 5473

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